AKK A3 Scanning System Supports All Games
AKK A3 barcode scanning system is a useful and concealed poker device for the users to enjoy the poker game, which owns more advantages than the previous products.
Special points of AKK A3 barcode scanning system
<1> First of all, the most different point of the AKK A3 poker analyzer is that it can scan two decks of playing cards at the same time, which cannot happen on other analyzers. This important function can be very suitable for some special situations when one deck of poker playing cards is mixed with another.
<2> Equipped with three poker game, this barcode scanning system can be used as soon as you receive it. The poker analyzer supports all kind of game including Texas Holdem and Omaha, which could be loaded into the scanning system before sending to you.
<3> There are multiple ways for you to receive the results of the game according to your personal need. You could know the results of the poker game through voice or vibrator, which is decided by your own need. Not only can you choose to hear the results with a mini earphone, you can also adjust this scanning system into time mode which would show the results of the poker game as the last number of the time.
<4> According to the concert situation of the playing games, this barcode scanning system supports all the situations that may happen. You could reset the playing rules of the specific games, choose which camera you want to use with and how many people there are in the poker game.
With all these advantages, AKK A3 barcode scanning system is really a helpful tool. If you are interested with it, please contact with us as soon as possible.